Nail diseases and disorders powerpoint for mac

Nail anatomy and basic science the function of the human nail is to assist in picking up small objects, to protect the distal digit, to improve finetouch sensation and to enhance the esthetic appearance of the hands. Specific types of nail discoloration and changes in growth rate can be signs of lung, heart, kidney, and liver diseases, as well as diabetes and anemia. The first and foremost requirement is the history of the nail disease. Brittle nails are characterized by increased fragility of the nail plate due to damage to the nail matrix or changes to nail plate cohesion, caused by internal andor external factors. Family history of the person will help to diagnose the nail. Do you know what a normal nail should look like or do have an infection or disorder and are not sure yet.

In the article tips to treat 5 most common nail disorders readers will find treatment options for brittle nails, onycholysis, paronychia, psoriasis, and onychomycosis, with a practical. A condition caused by injury or disease of the nail unit. The following list contains the more common nail irregularities, diseases and disorders. Beaus lines wavy horizontal ridges across the nail plate, often caused through illness, medication or heart disease. For information on nail problems not listed here, please refer to the links at the bottom of this page. Common nail disorders affecting nail plate psoriasis lichen planus eczema onychomycosis affecting nail bed warts. Although the nail is a structure produced by the skin and is a skin appendage, nail diseases have a distinct classification as they have their own signs and symptoms which may relate to other medical conditions. Nail disorders comprise about 10 percent of all skin conditions.

The health of your nails can be a clue to your overall health. Nail disorders click on link if a client has a nail disorder. Learn more about common conditions like alopecia, male pattern baldness, razor bumps, ingrown toenails, dandruff, club nails, and fungal nail infections. Take up the quiz below and get to see how much you understand these disorders and how one can. Students will also learn and correctly use the appropriate definitions and terminology as well as research the causes, signs or symptoms, and treatment of the nail diseases or disorders. Overview of nail disorders msd manual consumer version. A free powerpoint ppt presentation displayed as a flash slide show on id. Hand and nail examination check for problems six signs of infection pain, swelling, redness, local fever, throbbing and pus. Diagnostic and statistical manual, 4th edition, tr. Transverse ridges are usually transient and due to a temporary disturbance of nail growth eg, severe illness, trauma or infection.

Nails too fall prey to an infection or inflammation and require medical treatment. Please be aware that nail technicians are only licensed to beautify the hands, and not to diagnose or treat nail diseases and disorders. It is necessary to wait for several months before seeing the results of treatments in nail disorders, as the nail plate grows very slowly average nail growth is 3 mmmonth in fingernails and 11. Nail disease and disorders by rhonda lewis on prezi. Darier disease causes red and white streaks on the nails and vshaped notches to form on the tips of the nails. These disorders may be isolated to the nail unit itself or be part of a larger systemic disease that may present first, or only, in the nail unit. Nails often give the best clue regarding any type of underlying health disease affecting the body. Its important to also remember that nails originate in the epidermal layer of the skin and, like hair, their condition is dependent. In approximately half of suspected nail fungus cases there is actually no fungal infection, but only some nail dystrophy. More serious injuries or disorders require professional treatment. Research information about this disease and complete a virtual presentation that answers each of the topics below. The nail apparatus develops from the primitive epidermis. Although nail protein is much more harder than hair, their growth is similar. Some conditions will show a green, yellow or black discoloration of the nail, depending on the nature of the infection.

This irregularity can be the result of heredity, the use of strong solvents in the workplace or the home, including household cleaning solutions. This book elaborates on nails in systemic diseases and briefly covers nail cosmetics and nail photography. Chapter 10 nail disorders and diseases proprofs quiz. See pictures of these problems and learn to identify them. Nail diseases and disorders miladys cosmetology at. Beaus lines occur at the same spot of the nail plate in most or all of the persons nails and may be caused by any disease severe enough to disrupt normal nail growth. Tell the client that they have a disorder and suggest they see their physician for. Cardiovascular disease, or cvd, is a very serious health condition that keeps the heart or blood vessels from working properly. Pigment disorders of the skin pigment can be affected by internal factors such as heredity or hormonal fluctuations, or outside factors such as prolonged sun exposure. In this lesson, students will learn how to identify specific nail disorders and nail diseases.

Like the hair, the nail is made of keratin, which is hardened protein. Although nails are a skin appendage, they have their own signs and symptoms which may relate to other medical conditions. Nail disease nail diseases are distinct from diseases of the skin. Nail diseases and disorders onychorrhexis are brittle nails which often split vertically, peel andor have vertical ridges. The following article will cover information related to certain nail diseases.

Pick a disease any disease you want get it cleared by the teacher. The following are common nail abnormalities, with possible causes. The information researched will be completed virtually no powerpoint only virtual presentations like. Fungal and bacterial nail infections, as well as nail disorders such as irregular splitting, or abnormal.

They can be caused by internal and external factors and most people will experience one of these conditions at some point. In pachyonychia congenita, nail beds the parts of the nail unit that attach the nail to the finger are thickened and discolored and are curved from side to side, forming a pincer nail. A nail disorder is a condition that can be treated. Mycobacterium avium complex infections rare disease.

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The difference between a nail disorder and a nail disease. Abnormal coloration dyschromia accompanies every skin disorder and many systemic disorders. A systematic examination of the nails in the critically ill patients provides clues to many vascular, nutritional, endocrine and infectious diseases, connective tissue disorders and intrinsic skin.

Some nail conditions that show signs of infection or inflammation may require medical assistance. Most nail infections are either fungal or bacterial and viral infections. Infections can involve any part of the nail and may or may not change the nails appearance. I get dozens of emails from people asking me to help with their nail disordersproblemsnail fungus issues. Diseases of the nails can cause significant social, psychological, and physical damage to an affected individual. Many disorders of nails are directly due to functional faults in the foot. Expert on diseases of the nails and also disorders of the nail that indicate systemic disease, dr antonella tosti leads this issue of dermatologic clinics. Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Only cosmetic problems can be treated by a licensed cosmetologist or nail technician.

A nail disorder is a condition caused by injury, heredity, or previous disease of the nail unit. Nails are unique structures formed of keratin, just like hair and the superficial skin layers. Many disorders can affect the nails, including deformity and dystrophy, infections, and ingrown toenails. Deformities, dystrophies, and discoloration of the nails. Most, if not all, of your clients have experienced a common nail disorder at some time in their lives.

A text atlas of nail disorders techniques in investigation and diagnosis third edition robert baran, md nail disease centre cannes, france rodney pr dawber, ma, mb chb, frcp consultant dermatologist churchill hospital, oxford, uk eckart haneke, md klinikk bunaes sandvikaoslo, norway antonella tosti, md associate professor of dermatology. Deformity or disease of the nails may be referred to as onychosis. Healthy nails are usually smooth and consistent in color. Due to their location, nails take a lot of abuse, and most minor nail injuries heal on their own. A cosmetologist should recognize normal and abnormal nail conditions, understand what to do, and be able to help a client with a nail disorder in one of two ways. Knowing that nails grow about 1 mm every six to 10 days, the timing of the disease process may be estimated by measuring the distance from the line to the nail bed. Severe disease requiring hospitalization is uncommon. When our heart and blood vessels are working at their best, blood flows easily and is circulated around the body freely. Let us get little information about how to treat the nail diseases, here. Brittle nail, simple chronic paronychia, and onycholysis represent three of the most prevalent nail disorders. The diagnosis and treatment of nail disorders ncbi. Diseases and conditions of the skin, hair, scalp and nails can be unsightly and painful. Nail disorders are caused by injury, heredity, or disease. Mycobacterium avium and mycobacterium intracellulare.

A nail disease or onychosis is a disease or deformity of the nail. However, people with immune systems that do not work well from hivaids or certain cancers for example or people with lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Most nail infections are fungal onychomycosis, but bacterial and viral infections occur. Aside from onychomycosis, which is a common nail disorder, important differential diagnoses. Nail diseases are conditions of both the nail, and the surrounding skin which result from bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Mycobacterium avium complex mac refers to infections caused by two types of bacteria. Nail conditions that show signs of infection or inflammation require medical assistance. Beaus lines bruised nails discolored nails eggshell nails hangnail leukonychia spots melanonychia nail disorder nail psoriasis nail ptergium onychia onychorcryptosis onycholysis onychomadesis onychomycosis onychophagy onychorrhexis onychosis paronychia pincer nail plicatured nail pseudomonas aeruginosa pyogenic granuloma ridges splinter hemorrhages. A nail disorder is a condition caused by injury or disease of the nail unit.

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